
Posts Tagged ‘selfish’

For those that think Han Geng is Selfish…

May 21, 2010 12 comments

I just saw a post in tumblr.. claiming to say that Han Geng is being “selfish” and doesn’t care about SJ.

I just want to quote a few people on this one.

I just want to make my opinion about this very distinctly know. let me just say to anyone else reading this that i disagree ENTIRELY with this entire thing. it might just be someone’s opinion, but people with this kind of mindset really piss me off.

you think hangeng is doing this without thinking of the others in the band? you think he’s only thinking of himself? are you kidding me? hangeng is one of the most caring, worrisome members. as leader of super junior m (who is breaking up without hangeng apparently even thinking about enough to actually care, according to this bullshit), he cares for each of his members and worries about them like leetuek does to super junior as a whole. if you honestly think that he did what he did, just because he was being selfish and only thinking of himself, i think you need to crawl back under the rock that you’ve apparently been living under and just stay there.

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